Mrityunjay Tomar
Even though school started already, and summer is officially over, my family and I went on a road trip to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Southern Alberta. It was an amazing experience, realizing how the Natives had managed to gather a herd of bison, play on their individual strengths and weaknesses (both physical and psychological), and then provoke a stampede that led them off a cliff. We went on a short hike that took us underneath the Jump itself, and I got goosebumps thinking about the generations of Natives that had gathered at that very same spot, some 6000 years previously, and watched as hundreds of bison fell to their deaths. All in all, it was a very interesting experience, and I would recommend it to anyone who is going there for the first time.

First full, proper, week of school starts tomorrow... with an essay in English. Oh well, that's IB =D

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